Postmanauts with API-first landscape. Illustration.

January 2022 Newsletter

New year, new capabilities! We're just a couple of weeks into 2022, and the Postman team has already been working hard to expand what you can do with the Postman API Platform, including support for gRPC, GitLab, better user governance, and lots more.

And for companies who are ready to embrace API-first, we've got lots of great content to help you on your journey.

Product Updates

Postmanauts yelling updates. illustration.

Postman Now Supports gRPC

Those who have been following Postman's latest releases will know that we've been branching out from our roots in HTTP, including support for WebSockets, Socket.IO, and GraphQL. But we're not stopping there! We are excited to announce first-class support for gRPC in Postman, currently in open beta.

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Announcing GitLab Support in the Postman API Platform

With Postman's new GitLab integration, you can keep your API definition and collections in sync with your repository. The on-prem versions of GitLab are only supported on our Enterprise plan.

Explore now →

Introducing Domain Capture: Group Your Organization's Postman Users into a Single Team

Postman's most anticipated domain capture feature is now here. Consolidate all the user accounts in Postman that have been created with your organization's domains or subdomains into a single Postman team.

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Introducing the Super Admin Role: Manage All Your Team's Users and Resources

We've released a powerful new role in Postman—the Super Admin role—for greater control managing all your team's users and resources.

Find out more →

Introducing the Secret Variable Type in Postman

In Postman, variables enable data reusability and foster collaboration when developing and testing API requests. To secure your data even further when collaborating, we've introduced a "secret" variable type that enables the masking of sensitive info.

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Improve API Governance with These Shareable OpenAPI Templates

Managing APIs at scale increases the likelihood of design inconsistency. With OpenAPI templates, you can now align API design to promote consistent practice and save time.

Learm how →

Postman Now Supports Importing HAR Files

We're excited to announce that you can now import your HAR files directly into Postman and work with the generated collections to visualize your requests, replay captured sessions, and easily examine responses.

Import files →

Upcoming Events

Postmanaut reading a book. Illustration.

We have some exciting Postman Intergalactic sessions lined up to take your Postman skills to the next level.

Reserve your spot →

The Postman API Network

Postmanaut and API Network vending machine. Illustration.

Discover APIs Easily with New Categories in the Postman API Network

Looking for new APIs? With the ever-growing API landscape, it becomes challenging to find the right APIs quickly. That's why we introduced categories in the Postman API Network for you to browse and start experimenting right away.

Explore categories →

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Postman v11 is here!

It's jam-packed with updates to help you collaborate on your APIs, augment yourself with AI, and more.