March 2022 Newsletter

Spring has sprung in the Northern Hemisphere, while the Southern Hemisphere is inching towards cooler temps. Whether you're looking forward to long sunny days, brisk evenings full of hot cocoa, rainy season, dry season, or in-between season—we've got the latest product updates and great content from the Postman team to brighten your day.

Product Updates

Postmanauts yelling updates. illustration.

Collaborate in Real Time with Anyone in the World

API producers don't always have the right tools to work together in real time with their broader community of API consumers. So, we've been adding features to change this. Now you can collaborate with anyone in the global API community who is accessing the same public workspace, whether or not they are on your team.

Collaborate in Real Time →

Postman OpenApi features. illustration.

Postman Now Supports OpenAPI 3.1

OpenAPI 3.1 is the latest version of OpenAPI, and it adds support for describing webhooks, full compatibility with JSON Schema's latest draft, and more. With this release, you can import OpenAPI 3.1 files in Postman, edit them directly in our editor, and generate collections from them.

Import OpenAPI 3.1 files →

Access Postman Audit Logs with the Postman API

Audit logs allow admins of Postman teams to track and review how members of their organization are using the Postman API Platform, including updating or removing a custom authorization scheme, inviting someone to the Postman team, updating user roles, removing users from the team, and more. With this release, audit logs are now accessible via the Postman API. Postman customers on the Professional and Enterprise plans can integrate these logs with their security information and event management (SIEM) tools.

Learn How to Access Audit Logs via API →

Postman create a monitor. Illustration.

Monitor API Uptime, Now in Open Beta

Ever had a critical API go down, and you didn't know until it was too late? Monitor API uptime with the new, simplified Postman monitor designed to continuously test the availability of a public HTTP(s) domain—a website or an API endpoint. Track time-series data, visualize the data, and receive alerts for system-outage incidents in a timely manner, now in open beta.

Monitor API Uptime →

Postmanaut and Slack integrate. Illustration.

Get Notified in Slack for Postman Access Requests and API or Collection Changes

We've added more Slack notifications to make it easier to grant and receive access to Postman entities, as well as to watch for changes to APIs or collections.

Get Notified →

Streamline Incident Response Processes

Need to streamline your incident response process? Now you can natively integrate Lightstep Incident Response with Postman.

Learn More →

Postman screenshot of error. illustration.

Identify Unresolved Variables Easily

Variables are one of the essential building blocks of API development and testing in Postman, and we've now made it easier for you to identify your unresolved variables and take steps to resolve them.

Try it out →

Upcoming Events

Postmanaut reading a book. Illustration.

We have some exciting Postman Intergalactic sessions lined up to take your Postman skills to the next level. Missed one? No worries, we have you covered with recordings of prior sessions.

Reserve your spot →

The Postman API Network

Postmanaut and API Network vending machine. Illustration.

Build Software Faster with These Productivity APIs

On the Public API Network, we've gathered some of the best APIs to ramp up productivity including Notion (just released to GA!), Peruse Code, and Machine Learning Tools for Developer Professionals.

Explore the API Network →

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Postman v11 is here!

It's jam-packed with updates to help you collaborate on your APIs, augment yourself with AI, and more.