May 2022 Newsletter

Pop quiz! What's the best way to become an API-first organization: API design-first? Proxy-first? Prototype-first? Answer: All of the above. In a must-read blog post, Postman Chief Evangelist Kin Lane lays out the multiple valid paths to API-first and shares what works best for him.

Plus we have platform updates that will simplify admin roles and offer deeper insight into audit logs, as well as an invitation to share your API knowledge on the Postman blog.

Platform Updates

Postmanauts yelling updates. Illustration.

Approve Private APIs with the API Network Manager

You can now act as an admin and curator, with the ability to add any API in the team to your Private API Network without needing to be a Super Admin. API Network Managers can also create folders and manage other aspects of APIs on the Private API Network.

Start managing →

Postman users dashboards. illustration.

Get Greater Insight with Improved Audit Logs

We've added significant improvements to audit logs, including a new dashboard that offers greater security insights and allows you to query Postman for the exact info you need.

Explore audit improvements →

Postman insights. illustration.

Case Studies

Postmanaut with magnifying glass. Illustration.

Toast Saves 95 Minutes per Engineer Weekly

Learn how Postman improved collaboration among Toast's distributed team, resulting in less duplicated work among 70% of engineers and faster onboarding at the maker of SaaS products and financial solutions for restaurants.

Read now →

Hathway Halves Production Time

See how Postman helped test engineers develop and deploy fixes faster while improving collaboration and accelerating onboarding at Hathway, which aggregates digital services into a single solution for restaurants and convenience stores.

Learn more →

Code for Baltimore Simplifies API Development

Read how Postman accelerated volunteer onboarding and improved code quality at Code for Baltimore, which helped the city respond quickly to emergencies and deliver critical services amid the pandemic.

See how →

Upcoming Events

Postmanaut working on calendar. illustration.
  • June 1: Join us for a one-hour Intergalactic unboxing session, where we'll review Postman's latest updates, including enhancements to the API-first workflow, integrations for source control, gateways, and observability, as well as features for governance, collaboration, and new protocols.
  • June 8-9: Postman co-founder and CTO Ankit Sobti will join colleagues Arnaud Lauret, Fran Mendez and others to talk about the full API lifecycle at Interface, the virtual conference from apidays that we're helping to sponsor.
  • June 15: If you're in development, testing, or DevOps and are invested in producing quality APIs, you'll want to attend part two of our Intergalactic on the API lifecycle. We'll cover monitoring and deploying APIs and show how to use Postman's Newman tool to automate deployment tasks.
  • June 23: We'll hold an in-person Intergalactic in San Francisco, with a limited number of spots! Sign up at this page to be notified.

The Postman API Network

Creating a monitor through Postman. Gif.

PayPal's Public Postman Collection Suited to All Devs

PayPal uses Postman to help meet the varied needs of the developer community, offering an API collection accessible to both low-code developers and those who build web experiences from the ground up.

Learn how to start interacting with the PayPal API →

Discover Five Utility Collections From Down Under

Jordan Walsh, our Enterprise Solutions Engineer in Melbourne, shares a few hidden gems from the Public API Network that exist solely to simplify and enhance API workflow for developers using Postman everywhere.

Explore utility collections →

Postman Resources

Postman pacman. Gif.

There Are Many Paths to API-First—Choose Your Own Adventure

Postman Chief Evangelist Kin Lane examines the different approaches to becoming API-first and explains why it's not so important which route you choose as it is that you choose one to remain competitive in today's digital landscape.

Find your path →

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Postman v11 is here!

It's jam-packed with updates to help you collaborate on your APIs, augment yourself with AI, and more.